OptimizaR lactate test swimming


Make it easier targeting your swimmers training goals.

Be ahead of your contender with the advantage the lactate test will give you:

  • a better overview over your swimmers aerob-,  anaerob capacity and anaerob threshold
  • more accurate information for defining the swimmers traininggoal
  • individualized trainingintensities that stimulate adaptation that achieve their training goals

Request a demo

How can the test help me as coach?

To get an overall view of how the test can help you click here for more information.

Request a demo

How to use

My filosofi..

..lactate testing never stands alone as a tool for improve performance and to achieve individual goals.

My approach is to test, to teach and to inspire.

My approach is founded from these bullits:

  • involve the swimmers for more understanding of testing and training
  • have conversations with the coach and show how it is possible to implementate the results/ analysis to the training
  • to be in contact with the coach after testing if there are some questions

My holistic view..

..to get the best solutions to ensure the best development and improvement I work wtih holistic view and processorientation.

Different approches for you as a coach:

  • Short term approach. Two test with 8-12weeks appart.
  • Medium term approach. Two to three tests in one year/ season
  • Long term approach. Two to three tests in 2-3 year with an specific devolpmentplan.

I am responsive to here your ideas/ solutions that can fit for your system.


Price for testing three swimmers in one session: 179Euro pr. swimmer.

The most value for money is to test three swimmers at a time. This will take appr. 90-120min for three swimmers.

The price for a one person single test pr. swimmer is 239Euro.


Feel free to contact Ragnar on this link

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